**COVID-19 Coronavirus and AESCA Updated 7/14/2021:**
Beginning Monday, July 19th, we will try permitting one pet parent to come in for their pet’s scheduled appointment. You will be required to wear a mask unless you are the only person in the waiting area. Otherwise, (regardless of vaccination status) you will need to wear a mask in certain areas or when a staff member must be within 6 feet. We hope this alleviates anxiety you may have felt when in the past, you would need to wait in your car while we examine your furry child inside the clinic without you.
We look forward to a more normal communication with a pet parent present inside the clinic. We will reevaluate whether this procedure is acceptable in the fall.
If you are picking up medication or food, you will still need to wait outside. Call us at 215-354-9460, and we will bring it out to you.
You will need to wait in the car if any of the following apply to you. 1. Fever or other symptoms of COVID, 2. Travel to a country or area with increasing numbers of COVID cases, 3. Within the past 14 days, you or a contact person tested positive for COVID or was diagnosed with COVID based on examination by a physician.
Thank you so much for being so patient!
Welcome To The AESCA Website.
This website serves multiple purposes:
Its primary purpose is to serve as an educational site for pet owners to find information on skin and ear disorders of dogs and cats.
Also, it allows people whose pets are current patients of Dr. Byrne and also people who are interested in having their pets examined by Dr. Byrne to contact us.
To order allergy vaccine refills, please use the blue vaccine order form that was included with your pet's current vaccine. Contact us if you misplaced your order form.
Education of pet owners on aspects of ear disease (including otitis), allergic skin disease, and skin infections is the primary focus of the information presented. There is also information on less common skin disorders such as autoimmune skin disease, nutritional skin disease, and skin cancer.
If your pet is currently my patient, I will respond to email about your pet in a timely fashion. My practice keeps me very busy and unfortunately I rarely have time to return email regarding pets that are not patients.
Thank you for trusting me with your pet’s care.
If you have a suggestion for this website, please send it to me in an email.
Download Patient History Form HERE.
Kevin Byrne, DVM, DACVD - Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologist - Specialist In Veterinary Dermatology
About Dr. Kevin Byrne

Kevin Byrne, DVM, MS, DACVD is the chief of staff of AESCA. Dr. Byrne is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, which is the only institution whose members are recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association as veterinary dermatology specialists.
Dr. Byrne helped develop the use of endoscopes as a therapeutic tool for management of ear disease including otitis. He also developed the use of new therapies for treatment of life-threatening skin disorders. His main interests currently are managing allergic skin disorders, ear infections (otitis), and immune-mediated disorders in dogs and cats.
Dr. Byrne earned his veterinary degree (DVM) from the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine in 1984.
Dr. Byrne completed a 3 year residency in veterinary dermatology at the University of Illinois in 1995. He then completed a 1-year residency in veterinary nutrition at the University of Illinois.
In 1996, Dr. Byrne received an advanced degree in Veterinary Science (dermatology and nutrition) at the University of Illinois.
Dr. Byrne taught veterinary dermatology at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania for six years.
He opened Allergy Ear and Skin Care for Animals (AESCA) at its present location in Bensalem, PA because he saw a need for a facility dedicated to the needs of dogs and cats who suffer from skin and ear disorders.